Thursday, November 11, 2010

15days and counting

I often wonder if, anyone ever reads my blog. Sometimes its a little awkward  cos it's like i am writing a public journal and i am the only one who reads it....

But that has changed. My dearest friend Ruby Gloom, has just posted on my facebook wall: 

"So here i was just do my usually blah on Facebook until i realized that i hadn't been on your profile for quite a while so i clicked on your name (Shelby) then your page loaded and there i was looking at YOUR page. So i did a little bit of looking and reading but go a little bored of that so i was just about to leave when from the corner of my eye i saw a little blue link. I thought to myself well i haven't seen that before, so most people would do i clicked.... The page loaded and there i was on YOUR italian blog. OH i said to myself Shelby has a blog, i didn't know that! Well then i looked around and read so things and realized wow this Shelby is something very special. So im here right now to tell you that i love you Pina and i love you Barhbarh and i love you Shelby.
From that person you sit next to in your Italian class"

I dedicate this post to her. 

1 comment:

  1. i follow you eyes are always watching baby look out i know what you did last summer .....kekeke
