Saturday, November 13, 2010

13 days and counting...

The following blog as nothing to do with italy. 

and i would have to say that these are my favourite lyrics
These ones are from 99 red balloons by Nena the opening part makes me ":D"

You and I in a little toy shop
Buy a bag of balloons
With the money we've got
Set them free at the break of dawn
'Til one by one, they were gone
Back at base, bugs in the software
Flash the message
"Something's out there"
Floating in the summer sky
99 red balloons go by

99 red balloons
Floating in the summer sky
Panic bells, it's red alert
There's something here
From somewhere else
The war machine springs to life
Opens up one eager eye
Focusing it on the sky
Where 99 red balloons go by

And these ones from Big Yellow Taxi by Counting Crows Joni Mitchell

Hey farmer farmer
Put away the D.D.T. now
Give me spots on my apples
But leave me the birds and the bees
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got
Till it's gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot

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