Thursday, September 2, 2010

So today,

I didn't go to school. I am sick and mum said that i need a break before exams and just to recover from everything. Most people would say that they would love too. But me, I was more worried about the school work i'll miss out on :( Che triste. But i was convinced to stay home and it is wonderful. I have cleaned my room, which is in desperate need for cleaning. finished my maths homework, shaved my legs that were starting to look like cave women legs and completely chilled.

another reason i was convinced to stay home for today. Was that I have just come home from a Camp. If you ever travel through the north of Queensland there are two places you must see; Undara  and Mamu. They are absolutely beautiful.
Now i am scared terrified by heights. I HATE THEM. Also on this trip we went on the Kuranda skyrail. Talk about poo my pants. There was 5 friends in our cabin thingy and everytime we went passed a tower the stupid bounced and it scared me. Yes, i did scream. Yes, the my friends were laughing at me. The view is gorgeous, but too high for me.
eff you, heights


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