mainly to kill my bordem, here's a list of stuff about me and what not to provide entertainment for the more bored.
- my favourite song as a kid was Daryl Braithwaite's song "The Horses".
- i would love to learn ballet.
- for my 6th birthday, i had a Barbie cake - i made my mum cut the head of the Barbie so i can eat it.
- sunflowers are my favourite flower.
- watermelon is my favourite fruit and avocado.. depending on which side of the argument you are on.
- i think tomato is a fruit.
- i like commas, and fullstops as well.
- i absolutely adore Lisa Mitchell.
- and if i was to go onto Rove, yes, i would turn lesbian for her.
- i love boyfriend and everything about him.
- imma bookworm. Fave author : Jodi Piccoult.
- i collect anklets.
- i would like to be a vegetarian one day.
- i concentrate better on TV or a movie if the subtitles are on.
- ho fatto un pipi sul vostro cane.
- i really
like love cheese.
- i have 2 hi-5 songs on my iPod, and i listen to them.
- butterflies and turtles are my favourite animals.
- i laugh a lot, especially on the inside because i would look like a dick if i laughed out loud.
- i like using full english, not this crap that would be in a txt.
- onomatopoeia is one of my favourite words.
- i hate when people say pretend as pa-tend. There is an R in pRetend.
- im addicted to my ipod and milo.
- i dont understand why I is a capital letter and if its because it is a word for yourself, then why is me and you and the rest of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd person words not starting with a capital.
- PostSecret is a frequently visited webpage.
- i have 3 reds, 2 orange, yellow, green, 2 blues, 3 purples, 2 pinks, 2 whites, gold and clear in my collection of nail polish
- i think trends are for people who cant find their own individuality.