Sunday, September 26, 2010

An Appetite for Everything Beautiful

I wish to find myself, until then,
you are chasing a ghost that does not exist.
The morning after is always glorious.
Be not afraid of growing slowly,
be afraid of standing still.
These are my friends Docs, i love them :)
something important should go here. 


Friday, September 24, 2010

A bunch of crap you didn't know about me

mainly to kill my bordem, here's a list of stuff about me and what not to provide entertainment for the more bored.
  • my favourite song as a kid was Daryl Braithwaite's song "The Horses".
  • i would love to learn ballet.
  • for my 6th birthday, i had a Barbie cake - i made my mum cut the head of the Barbie so i can eat it.
  • sunflowers are my favourite flower.
  • watermelon is my favourite fruit and avocado.. depending on which side of the argument you are on. 
  • i think tomato is a fruit.
  • i like commas, and fullstops as well. 
  • i absolutely adore Lisa Mitchell.
  • and if i was to go onto Rove, yes, i would turn lesbian for her.
  • i love boyfriend and everything about him.
  • imma bookworm. Fave author : Jodi Piccoult.
  • i collect anklets.
  • i would like to be a vegetarian one day.  
  • i concentrate better on TV or a movie if the subtitles are on.
  • ho fatto un pipi sul vostro cane.
  • i really like love cheese.
  • i have 2 hi-5 songs on my iPod, and i listen to them.
  • butterflies and turtles are my favourite animals. 
  • i laugh a lot, especially on the inside because i would look like a dick if i laughed out loud. 
  • i like using full english, not this crap that would be in a txt.
  • onomatopoeia is one of my favourite words.
  • i hate when people say pretend as pa-tend.  There is an R in pRetend.
  • im addicted to my ipod and milo.
  • i dont understand why I is a capital letter and if its because it is a word for yourself, then why is me and you and the rest of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd person words not starting with a capital. 
  • PostSecret is a frequently visited webpage.
  • i have 3 reds, 2 orange, yellow, green, 2 blues, 3 purples, 2 pinks, 2 whites, gold and clear in my collection of nail polish
  • i think trends are for people who cant find their own individuality. 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The honest truth

So you ask me to tell you the truth, he asked me to tell the truth and I do. Then you tell me I am being selfish. I honestly don't get it. I warned you that the truth is going to hurt to hear it. I tried to change my opinion, but the more I got to know him the more I didn't understand why you liked him. Please forgive me, please don't throw away what we had for a lifetime for  guy that you have known for so much less than me. 

I didn't mean to hurt you. I am so, so, so sorry 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Photo time

Undara; one of the lava tubes we went into. This photo is for my Mumma bear <3. We have a thing in our family called "God's Light" and its when the sun comes through the clouds on a raining day. This one was too beautiful not to capture.

This is a photo i made my mate in our cabin thingy to take because i wasn't going to move my ass out of the chair. When he moved it made the cabin rock and i was angry and all "Hurry up and take the photo. ITS ROCKING US!" This is one of the highest points of the Kuranda Skyrail. Can you see why i was shitting myself? 

Walking down into the lava tube pictured above. It was gorgeous! It is also huge! In one of the lava tubes there was little bats that probably smaller than my own hand. They were cute <3.

So today,

I didn't go to school. I am sick and mum said that i need a break before exams and just to recover from everything. Most people would say that they would love too. But me, I was more worried about the school work i'll miss out on :( Che triste. But i was convinced to stay home and it is wonderful. I have cleaned my room, which is in desperate need for cleaning. finished my maths homework, shaved my legs that were starting to look like cave women legs and completely chilled.

another reason i was convinced to stay home for today. Was that I have just come home from a Camp. If you ever travel through the north of Queensland there are two places you must see; Undara  and Mamu. They are absolutely beautiful.
Now i am scared terrified by heights. I HATE THEM. Also on this trip we went on the Kuranda skyrail. Talk about poo my pants. There was 5 friends in our cabin thingy and everytime we went passed a tower the stupid bounced and it scared me. Yes, i did scream. Yes, the my friends were laughing at me. The view is gorgeous, but too high for me.
eff you, heights
