Wednesday, December 1, 2010

tu nix vides?

that is latin. today i had another latin lesson... but here is the twist.. it was in english :) My prof (teacher) speaks english too... oh mio dio (omg)... also today is amazing because:
1: it snowed!!! and its the prettiest thing ever!
2: today Francesca (my host sister) and io decorated their house in christmas decorations. I am half way around the world from my home and i still manage to set the christmas tree and decorations up on december 1st... family tradition. 

last night i went to a city called Udine. it was gorgeous. also, when i was there i ate the biggest pizza ever!  
tomorrow my class and i are going to Trieste. I cant wait!! I LOVE ITALY! and snow. snow is amazing! anyone who hasnt seen it yet must do it!

Your pal in italia

p.s. i can swear in italian. with perfect pronounciation

1 comment:

  1. well when i stop spending money on my children i will go see it ....kekeke ....(but YOU know what i think it is better to spend my money on you my baby cause you know i would be a wreck if i was as far away as you from alllllll my babies ...omg i have taLked myself out of it NOPE i am staying put for the time being ,,,,so you suck it up buttercup and enjoy) i am so glad that you are enjoying so many new things i can't wait to see your photos!!!!! remember to take some photos will ya kiddo ...kekeke

    well i am so glad that you are learning to swear PERRRRRRFECTLY i am sure it will be helpful ...(((rolling my eyes)))

    and how big was this big pizza? what did you have on it? oh and i can not believe you drank coffee still yuck to you

    ok i have to go you and missing you
    stay safe and warm

    (((pssst you know what happens when i am cold ...and i think it best i stick to my sarongs))))

    Love you with all my heart
    Mumma bear
