Tuesday, January 25, 2011

from then til now.

this is what i wrote on 21 oct. 2009 some things never change

so im bored. you really dont have to read this but yeah whatever blows your hair back 

1. Last beverage: MILO chocolate milkshake 
2. Last phone call: MADDIE! aka don don George
3. Last text message: karl Stephanie
4. Last song you listened to: clean white love by lisa mitchell Clean white Love Lisa mitchell
5. Last time you cried: well last proper cry was ummmmmmmmm about 2 weeks are ago but today i was abit teary cos we watched schidler's list and its sad A few days ago. I'm not saying why

6. Dated someone twice: no no
7. Been cheated on: not that i know of nope
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: Nope yes
9. Lost someone special: no yes
10. Been depressed: nope possibly
11. Been drunk and thrown up: no no

12. PURPLE Purple
13. green Green
14. orange/ yellow... its a tie Orange. Now its definately Orange 

THIS YEAR HAVE YOU: (2009) (2011)
15. Made a new friend: defo possibly.
16. Fallen out of love: not this year no and never planning to
17. Laughed until you cried: Defo yes
18. Met someone who changed you: yes yes
19. Found out who your true friends were: yes beginning to
20. Found out someone was talking about you: CWA yeah. who hasnt?
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: YES! KKK MA BOYFRIEND! 
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: i dont understand this question, are you suggesting that i have a fake life/ idenity all of them
23. How many kids do you have? 0 0
24. Do you have any pets : JINGLES (chihuahua x Scottish terrior) still jingies. 
25. Do you want to change your name: no but if i have this fake life then i suppose that i will have to change my name to 
Zanthea Pretzel i like my name 
26. What did you do for your last birthday: woke up at 5am, went training, came home ate, opened presents, sat around watching alias, went back to training, came home and ate again, went to sleep woke up to a call from my host family in italy. ate, read jane eyre until my boyfriend turned up at my house, spent an amazing day with him, dropped him home, came home, slept. I didnt open any presents until 6 days later cos my daddy was working away. 
27. What time did you wake up today: 6.37am 6am
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: pole dancing ;D no not really, i was sleeping sleeping. 
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: toilets, its really annoying when your busting and you cant get to a toilet couldn't be effed with waiting
30. Last time you saw your Father: less than 10secs ago 5minutes. 
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: nothing, i love it how it is Everything is perfect. 
32. What are you listening to right now: mumma talking about arlic prawns, my fan clicking, my brother and sister on the trampoline, myself typing and the neighbours crap music my bells on my anklets jingling
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: YEP, 5 actaully My boyfriends brothers called TOM! 
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: my parents nothing
35. Most visited web page: facebook, GOOGLE, photobucket facebook, blog, postsecret 

36. Whats your real name: Shelby.
37. Nicknames: Bella/belle, shandalier, ro ro, mabs, shelbz, shelbykins, Bella-McT, whore. 
38. Relationship Status: dating (Y) Dating.
39. Zodiac sign: capricorn 
40. Male or female?: last time i checked it was Female 
41.Kindergarden?: charters towers, i cant remember its name. im pretty it might of been goldenkids but im thinking it might be the day care centre 
42. Primary?: Columba Catholic College
43. High school/college?: Columba, SMCC, CSHS
44. Hair colour: blonde 
45. Long or short: long 
46. Height:160 something 
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: well i suppose so I have a Boyfriend 
48: What do you like about yourself?: everything but my boobs I am completely happy with myself
49. Piercings: just ears Ears, nose
50. Tattoos: not yet but i want one on my wrist 
51. Righty or lefty: RIGHTY! 

52. First surgery: im not qualified to do surgey XD Having my tonsil removed... my previous answer *face palm*
53. First piercing: ears 
54. First best friend: my rainbow gumboots, nah i lie, harrison 
55. First Boyfriend: quinton miller 
56. First vacation: cant remember 
58. First pair of trainers: yingfa swimwear... 

59. Eating: nothing 
60. Drinkin: nothing 
61. I'm about to: answer the next question 
62. Listening to: havent we answered this? 
63. Waiting on: karl to text back A phone call from Don Don

64. Want grandkids: yes 
65. Want to retire: YEAH 
66. Travel: to quirky places I've already been to Italy... next place.. Laos.

67. Lips or eyes: EYES Both. 
68. Hugs or kisses: kisses both from him. 
69. Shorter or taller: middle to tall His height. 
70. Older or Younger: older Apparently i have to prefer younger. 
71. Romantic or spontaneous - romanticly spontaneous Him. 
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: never really thought about it I love his arms and his stomach *drools* 
73. Sensitive or loud: in between Him. 
74. Hook-up or relationship: depends Relationship
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: bit inbetween Neither. 

76. Kissed a stranger: nope 
77. Drank hard liquor: not yet 
78. Lost glasses/contacts: No 
79. Sex on first date: im still as pure as the virgin mary herself I'm not telling :) 
80. Broken someone's heart: yes They get over it :) 
82. Been arrested: no 
83. Turned someone down: YEP. sorry 
84. Cried when someone died: no i laughed *note the sarcasm
85. Fallen for a friend: a few times 

86. Yourself: yep 
87. Miracles: yep 
88. Love at first sight: yes 
89. Heaven: to a point 
90. Santa Claus: parents 
91. Kiss on the first date:yep 
92. Angels : im more of a ghost and spirits person 

94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time? no 
95. Did you sing today? yep everyday 
96. Ever cheated on somebody? never 
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: i would go back to the 70's and 80's just because i love the 70's and i want to see what my parents were like as a teenager I would go to the 50's and 80's.... 50's because my poppy grew up in the 50s and he is my hero and i want to see his life as a rockin roll star. and 80s because of many reasons. Fashion. meeting my parents in teenage form. Madonna. 
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it what would it be: honestly it would be the friday before i left charters towers, i didnt get to give some one a proper goodbye and i didnt tell them how i felt The day before i wasted 3 months waiting for a change. 
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: Never I've fallen in love. 
100. Posting this as 100 truths?: no. its 100 yadda yas no its from then til now. 


So they saying goes. When in Rome... Do as Romans do. But honestly besides driving like fecking maniacs, eating pizza they do nothing <3 Thats the life. However someone who lives in Roma may beg to differ. Anyways. I'm sad to say that Rome was a tiny bit disappointing. Yes it was beautiful but it didn't feel beautiful. At every little touristy spot there were people trying to sell you stuff. and they wouldn't stop coming back to you. Honestly. If I wasn't with my school, I would turn around and give them some Australian slang ;)

While we were there we went to the "Colosseo" or Colosseum, heaps of ruins, spanish steps, Hard Rock Cafe (we also went to that when we were in Venice), Pantheon (which was gorgeous by the way), Trevi Fountain, Imperial fora and my favourite - the Vatican City. It was absolutely beautiful. The church was amazing and it was huge! One of the best things about the Vatican City was that the sellers are not allowed in the city. Also like every church in Italia, they seem to hold this feel about them. Something that feels like security, faith and trust. So being in the St Peter's Church (which is the biggest church EVER) was a strange experience. First of all, there were tourist there... taking photo's posing... doing usual touristy things. But somehow it was respectful or something. I don't how to explain it really, but it was beautiful and thats all you need to know.

 And of course my next favourite story comes from when i was in rome. actually i lied in my previous posts. I have 4 favourite photos. My first 2 are from venice and my next 2 are from Roma.

The first story. 
So some kids in the group that went over there with me decided that they would drink the night before we left (considering alcohol for 16yr old is legal... they have it in supermarkets!!) and my friend Izzy and I decided not to drink and to pack instead. Half way through packing we both lost motivation and then I stated "IZZY! I need to shave my legs." Then she stated "Shelby! I need to shave my legs. I can almost braid mine." Then I said "IZZY! I need to shave my legs because I can almost shave mine off and use them as hair extensions." Then Izzy said "Lets do them together." So we ran a bath in our dodgy  bathroom (everything kept breaking in our 4 star hotel bathroom :s ) and stripped down to our undies, got our razors and jumped in. Now I must say this one of the funny moments in my whole trip. we compared our overly hair legs. It took us about an hour to finish (probably cos we were laughing the whole time). And then Izzy, who has dark thick black hair, decides to shave in a pattern in her leg for the time we were in the bath. Let me say. It was HILARIOUS. 

My next favourite story is when we were leaving Rome. The whole of Europe was attacked by a huge snow storm. In fact England got it the worst. Anyways, just as we were leaving the storm hit Rome. Our plane was delayed 30minutes. But I don't care because i was too busy watching snow flakes hit my window <3 

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Well hello there

First of all. I'm sorry for not being as persisted in the whole blogging during my stay in Italy. I lost my mojo over there. You know the whole story, first I was home sick then some shit-th hit-th the fan-th. But now I realize that I should of been updating it no matter what. 

My last blog was from when I went to the snow. The next major event which happened after the snow was I went to Venice. Now I let you all on a little secret. I fell in love with Venice before I arrived in Italy. Seriously how more gorgeous can you get then waking up to the ocean literally at your doorstop. In photos that I saw before I went to Venezia (the Italian name) I fell in love with the colours. But the photos do most definitely not do the place justice. First of all to get there you have to either train it or boat it. My group and I trained it. ( by group i mean Izzy, Milo, Miles, Natasha and our host families). We left in the morning and watched the sun kinda rise over the sea then we arrive at the train station and you step outside the train station and your view is the photo below 

The thing that i found so very disappointing was the 'modern art' as my group and I called it. By Modern Art, we mean the great ugly advertisements on these gorgeous buildings. However, I found that graffiti (True Modern Art) was everywhere through Italy (I don't know if I have mentioned this). Some of it was gorgeous and others well... they weren't. I do beleive however, that the graffiti in Venice was gorgeous -like it had a purpose besides being a rebellious act of society. 

I am going to share with you all two stories of my Venice trip -purely because they are in my top three favourite stories from Italy. 

The first one is: 
We were walking through this Jewish Ghetto and as we enter a small Piazza (piazza, not pizza.... its a town square) this old man who would of been about 50-60 walks past as. Sounds normal right? Well he was wearing a Bright Purple Skinny Jeans. A purple Polo Shirt with a Red Jumper. My friend Greta and I saw him and laughed about it for a while. :S Then later on that day we were eating pizza from the best place ever. ( I know I know. I've said that about all the pizzeria's we went to.. but I'm serious... it was bloody good) and I see the same man walking towards as again. So with one swift movement i pulled out my camera and took a photo of our man. Little did we know that the tightness had made his umm.. well you know... uncomfortable and we caught it :s 
Please feel free to check him out <3 

My Second Story is much less comical and more harder to explain. We had finally reached the Main Square in Venice called Piazza San Marco (Saint Mark's Square) and you can go up to the top of the bell tower. I am terrified by heights so for me this was pretty daunting to do. I walked in jumped into an elevator (Lazy i know, but they had blocked the stairs) and the elevator doors opened and my fears disappeared. It was the most beautiful site in the world. If I lived in Venice I would go there daily and write my blog from there. Anyways I'm distracted. I could see everywhere over the tops of Venice. But the most magical thing was that it was right on sunset and there was a light breeze. It was magical. It was the most peaceful I felt in a long time. I know it sounds corny but it was almost as if I had for a few seconds I was completely calm about the situation which had happened at the current time and I think that was when I accepted  it. However as I was having this self finding  a bell tower in the distant began to ring (like I said.... They are all out of time) and that was beautiful. I was looking around the bell tower, seeing what I could see, when the bell directly above me rang! It was the LOUDEST thing I have ever heard and it was beautiful. It was so loud I blocked my ears with my hands. Then for the sake of it I closed my eyes. The sound was amazing- it vibrated through my whole body. I know my words aren't doing it justice which sucks but it was gorgeous. If anyone who is reading this gets the chance to go to venice go into the tower at 4pm and you'll witness something like what i did.