Sunday, August 29, 2010

89 days until Italia

So my Aunty was very lovely and bought me a travel diary for when I go to italia. Its so cute. I am planning on filling it with the precious memoirs of my travels. mmm i can't wait. in 89 days i will be eating la pizza and drinking il caffe` next to dio di Roma (roman gods). I can't wait


Thursday, August 19, 2010

my boyfriend is perfect


This is an actual blog

So I have always wanted a blog, and I have never gotten around to actually making one. and now that i have gotten around to making one, my creative thoughts are not flowing. 
today, it rained and it was humid and sticky. I really don't understand how people can love the rain. honestly, its dull, hot and makes me feel lazy, yet when it is sunny, its hot yes, but its not sticky hot, everything is bright plus i feel a lot more energetic and there is always birds out when its sunshine. 
io sono imparando italiano. io parlo piccolo italiano e sono vado all'italia in novembre. That is suppose to translate to : I am learning italian. I speak little italian and i am going to italy in november. 

Smile; it confuses people.

Something extravagant should be going here, but i can't think of it on the spot. 
Give me 5 mins :)